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3 Ways to Use Instagram Stories to Connect with Potential Candidates

Written by Admin | Jun 26, 2022 2:41:56 PM

In my last post, we decided that Instagram Stories is the way to go (buh-bye, Snapchat.)

“After looking at the data, Instagram is here to stay, and it’s only going to become more powerful. The audience is there and it’s active. If you’re trying to decide whether to use Instagram Stories or Snapchat as a mean of recruitment marketing, our vote is Instagram Stories.

Instead of having to switch between apps, you can nurture your audience all in one place on Instagram. Share all the behind-the-scenes goodness that happens at your company on Instagram Stories and you’ll be a step ahead in the game!”

You may be wondering how to even use Instagram Stories—like what do you post?

IG Stories is the perfect tool to tap into to show the life at your company, show off the people, and virtually invite potential talent to all the fun things you do.

Here are ways to use Instagram Stories to connect with potential candidates:

Document a day-in-the-life

If one thing’s certain, candidates love to stalk and learn the most they can about what life is like at the company they have eyes on…well, the good ones anyways. You can 100% take advantage of this by using Instagram Stories to document the day-in-the-life of various employees and teams at your company. You can focus on the positions you’re trying to fill to start—say a web developer to add to the team! You could do one to two things to document this person’s workflow for a day:

  • Give access to your company IG account to that employee for the day. Allow them to log in and document their day‚Äîfrom starting their day with having a cup of coffee from the break room, saying hi to a few coworkers, making jokes or a cool convo the team is having, to diving into the latest project and going through their tasks and processes step-by-step.
  • Or your in-house social media manager can dedicate 10 moments during the day to check in with the featured employee/position of the day and take those videos and pictures for your brand‚Äôs IG stories.

Either way would work—but it might be good to trust your employee to take over for a day! It would be fun, engaging, and a great way to work that employer branding internally, too… know what I’m sayin’?

Live stream events

Any solid company has events in-house they can share with the world. Think recognition meetings in the break area, a “kudos” shout out, a message from the CEO to the team in a meeting room, a group wellness hour where the group discusses different topics related to well-being, a team scavenger hunt, in-house Easter egg hunt, etc. All these are perfect moments to live stream on Instagram and show potential candidates what they could be a part of.

Take it a step further by scheduling out your Instagram live events! Example: If you know your company is having a recognition shout out meeting in the break room on Thursday at 4 pm, then on Monday make a post on your IG story with a “Mark your calendar! Going live on IG stories on Thursday at 4 pm! Recognizing our superstars!” This way people will know you’re going live and will stay tuned for your event on Thursday!

Cross-pollinate content

Besides life at your company, Instagram Stories is a great place to share content from other places! Here’s what I mean: Instagram allows you to upload pictures from your camera roll that were taken within the last 24hrs and post to IG stories, so all your posts don’t have to be instantaneous (ironic, much?)

If every day your marketing team uploads a new blog to the site, you can screen shot that blog post, upload to Instagram Stories and write a text CTA that says “NEW POST! Sharing our best tips for using IG to recruit! Click link in profile to read the full post.” This way people scrolling through your stories will see there’s new content that’s been published will click to your profile, and click the link in your profile to read the post! IG stories is a great way to cross-pollinate your content from other platforms like the blog, whitepapers, website content, etc.!

Instagram is becoming more and more robust each month, and it’s one of the hottest social platforms to keep up with to build your brand, boost your recruitment marketing and employer branding efforts, and ultimately capture the hearts of potential candidates.