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7 Ways To Step Up Your Company Culture

Written by Admin | Jun 26, 2022 2:41:56 PM

You’ve heard the saying “you are a product of your environment” and most of the time it’s true. That’s why having a healthy and engaging workplace culture is so important to us.

Most of us spend 40 hours a week at work, and we are around our coworkers more than our own family during the week. It’s important for an organization to invest in its people to ensure they are happy and inspired—it’s just the right thing to do.

So how exactly can you promote a solid workplace culture? We’ll break it down for you…

  1. Fully commit to developing your people and make sure they feel valued
  2. Ensure workers have variety and challenges in their work and are inspired to achieve growth. Dull, repetitive, and routine work provides zero opportunity for people to grow—professionally and personally
  3. Encouraging fellowship with coworkers, having fun work events like a ping-pong tournament, or an incentive for meeting a company-wide goal (ice cream party anyone?)
  4. Allow people freedom to create and form their own ideas
  5. Even better… make sure their ideas are actually heard and considered by management.
  6. Hand over the reigns. Allowing employees to have more control over their work lives = happiness (aka, no micromanaging)
  7. Leaders encouraging direct reports to be leaders and not being afraid to help them grow in their careers

Giving people more control over their time and how their work gets done leads to a healthier well-being. If you haven’t noticed, the theme here is freedom. The more people enjoy where they work, they more they will thrive and do awesome things for the company. Try having focus group sessions to figure out what your employees want and allow their voices to be heard. If you don’t have a healthy workplace culture, it’s time to be the change!