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Adaptability: It’s a Requirement, NOT a Bonus.

Written by Admin | Jun 26, 2022 2:41:56 PM

As a recruiter, your job has a lot of moving pieces and action items that you are tasked with daily. I get it, with the constant evolution of recruiting tech and employer branding trends, it’s not always easy to stand out to the best candidates. A successful recruiter, however, has a skill that allows them to emerge victorious and rise above the others…ADAPTABILITY

What does it mean to be adaptable?

Adaptability is everything when it comes to the fast-paced talent industry. When I say everything, I mean everything, every step you take and every move you make (*The Police-Every Breath You Take plays in your mind*). The ability to change, be flexible, and pivot at any given moment is an outstanding quality that all recruiters can tap into, but many fail to practice out of fear. The old saying ‚Äúif it ain‚Äôt broke don‚Äôt fix it‚Äù has really set a destructive standard for us, and in today‚Äôs job market, you need to proactively find the fix before your competition does. Honestly, it‚Äôs almost comical that even in this day and age, being adaptable is practically seen as a bonus and not a requirement. Change is scary, but being versatile and ready for transformations is an absolute necessity.

When is the best time flex those adaptability muscles?

All the time is the best answer, but here are some key ways to practice your pivot when recruiting in 2019.

  1. Job Searches- When filling positions, things are always moving fast‚Äìa job that was easy to fill last month could be the bane of your existence today, and you can‚Äôt figure out why. The slightest shift in any given industry can lead to a decrease in active candidates. Mix that with updated qualification demands, lower compensation, less desirable locations, and time of the year to really give yourself a challenge. How do you overcome these adversities? Flexibility is the key.Think outside of the box, take new steps, and try new things to get that position filled. It can be as easy as using social media to reach a new talent pool, finding popular networking events to attend, and even reaching out to college campus organizations. Your willingness to not only accept the challenge of change but also conquer it will lead you to fresh talent to add to your speed dial.
  2. Development- When‚Äôs the last time you listened to a podcast or watched a vlog about the newest trends and influences in the HR world? Recruiting is a fast-paced industry where things change at a drop of a dime based on what‚Äôs going on in the world around us. Being a top-notch recruiter isn‚Äôt only about how many candidates you place or how well your placements are fitting into their new gigs. It‚Äôs also measured by your ability to grow in how you do essential tasks. Learning about new industry jargon/keywords, job posting platforms, and educational opportunities in the HR universe helps you develop your skill and fill in the gaps throughout the hiring process. Using a positive and flexible mindset to develop your strategies gives you a leg up when wrenches get thrown in your regular routine.
  3. Communication- As much as we would love to have the ease of a primary communication technique that can be used for virtually everyone, that‚Äôs just not how the cookie crumbles in recruiting. Nothing is ever entirely consistent, from hiring managers to the candidates themselves, no two people are the same. This means that being adaptable with your communication styles and channels is not a choice. Connection counts‚Äìhow you communicate with a happy hiring manager isn‚Äôt going to be the same as how you speak with a disgruntled candidate. Effectively transitioning between different clients, candidates, and even coworkers will help you handle tougher situations and build solid relationships with your network. This level of personalization in your conversations with colleagues, hiring managers, and talent shows that you‚Äôre paying attention, you‚Äôre relatable, and you value your interactions. That could mean texting talent to stay in touch or making Skype calls for out of town candidates.

 Simply put, adaptability gives you the chance to make every req assignment its own personalized journey. Being adaptable means putting your best foot forward, trying new ideas, techniques, and avenues to develop your skills and achieve the best outcome, especially when you‚Äôre struggling.

 So‚Ķhow adaptable are you?