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The Candidate You Want and the Millennial You Need: Millennial Myth Busters

Written by Admin | Jun 26, 2022 2:41:56 PM

Today’s job market runneth over with Gen Y talent, affectionately known as Millennials. Whether you think it’s a good thing or a bad thing, the fact is that Millennials now make up 25% of the United States population. With the oldest Millennials reaching their late 30s and the youngest in their early 20s, this generation is one of the best-educated generations, early adopters of technology, and full of innovative ideas. Still, some myths are floating around that make Gen Y look bad. Let’s start by busting up some of these deceptive ‘truths’ about Millennials, especially as they relate to the workplace.

Millennial myth busters- It’s about to get real.

Myth ‚Äì Millennials don‚Äôt believe in hard work!   

The truth is, Millennials are very hard working – perhaps the misconception comes from the fact that Millennials work differently than previous generations do. As early adopters of technology, Millennials tend to streamline their work efforts to create more efficient processes. For example, using digital platforms like RightFax allows for more efficiency than running to an outdated machine every time you need to fax a document –who faxes stuff anymore anyway?

 Myth‚ÄîMillennials need to be coddled.

<Buzzer sound>  In my DJ Khaled Voice: MAJOR KEY ALERT! Millennials need feedback, and you‚Äôve gotta communicate baby! Millennials want to know about their progress and their overall effectiveness. We don‚Äôt expect to get an award for participation but being recognized for accomplishments is important to us Millennials. No hand-holding necessary.

Myth—Millennials have no respect for traditions and rules.

Why can‚Äôt I write a blog with memes? No, seriously. The truth is Millennials have distanced themselves from methodologies that seemingly need to be retired. Gone are the days of the regular 8-5 work weeks, being chained to that office cubicle, and the stuffy mandatory suit, tie, and skirts. Welcome to the age of creativity, collaboration,  jeans, bright blazers, beards, tattoos, boldly colored lipstick, and sundresses. Sure, we like to shake it up, but to say we have lost respect for tradition is false.

Myth—Millennials don’t understand commitment.

Millennials believe in the cause. If a Gen Y employee doesn’t feel valued in their current job, it’s not a far-fetched possibility that they’ll end up finding a different position to regain validation. It’s fair to say that Millennials seem non-committal, but the truth is Millennials are working their way toward their dreams, and sometimes that means gathering experiences and moving on. Once a Millennial finds their place they will commit and invest in their future with that organization.

The cool down.

 Now that we‚Äôve busted up some myths about the beloved Millennials, we‚Äôll go on to look at how you can ditch those boring behavioral questions when interviewing your Millennial candidates in the 3-part series of The Candidate you want and the Millennial you need.

 Want to know if the Millennial stereotype is fact or fiction? Post your ‚Äúmyth‚Äù in the comments below!