Kinetix Blog | RPO & Hiring Resources

Dear Kinetix June 5, 2017

Written by Admin | Jun 5, 2017 4:00:00 AM

Dear Kinetix is the talent community‚Äôs key to expert advice on all things recruiting and employer branding. We take questions from our social media inboxes and share our kick@$$ answers with the world. Don‚Äôt worry ‚Äì all inquisitors have given themselves pseudonyms to protect their identities.


Dear Kinetix,

At Kinetix, what source do your recruiters have the most success with when it comes to finding great resumes and top candidates?


The Striving Sourcer


Hello Striving Sourcer,

When on the hunt for the perfect purple squirrel we like to have a variety of sourcing options available to us. This means traditional methods ‚Äì like job boards, referrals, and appropriate social sites, as well as non-traditional ‚Äì Twitter, email searches, hashtags and so on. But our golden goose at Kinetix is the Indeed website. 

We put aside a budget to promote our job postings on Indeed for a reason. Indeed accounts for roughly 60% of all job-related traffic online at Kinetix – which is huge. If you still haven’t hopped on the Indeed bandwagon, you should know that we get 2x more applicant and hires on Indeed than we do from LinkedIn or CareerBuilder. If you need some assistance figuring out Indeed, we have some content that can help.
Happy sourcing!


Dear Kinetix,

Everywhere I look I see a new article about branding yourself as a recruiter through healthy social media practices. So, I bit the bullet and put myself on the major social media sites – “branding” myself as a talent professional. I keep running into the SAME issue every time I try to post something… I can’t find enough relevant, appropriate content to fill the recommended posting slots! Am I trying to post too much or am I just looking in the wrong places? And where is all of the good content hiding!? Please help me.


Socially Frustrated


Dear Socially Frustrated,

So glad to hear that you have decided to beef up your personal brand – gold star! As for the content shortage, we have just the ticket.

One of our favorite online feeds for industry related news, jokes and interest pieces is none other than Feedly. It’s easy to use and pumps out great content from Industry leaders, popular websites and recruiter blogs. All you have to do is type in a few topics of interest (Talent Sourcing, Candidate Experience, Puppies) and you are good to go!

As for the amount of social posting, this is what we recommend to our clients:

Twitter – 3 to 5 posts a day

Facebook – 1 to 2 posts a day

LinkedIn – 1 post a day

Instagram – 3 times a week

When you share content from others, don’t forget to add your own copy to the post, so that you can really assert yourself into the conversation. Check out this blog post to get a step by step guide on posting content that grabs candidate attention!


Dear Kinetix,

I found a job on LinkedIn that I’m interested in. I applied, but I also want to reach out directly to the person who posted the job. How should I do that? Should I connect with them and send them an InMail? Should I search for their work email address and email them? Or BOTH?! I’m so exhausted from the waiting game or lack of communication. I just want to go to the source. Help!


Exhausted Earl


Howdy Exhausted Earl,

Sorry to hear about your communication confusion. Recruiters are some of the busiest individuals in the workforce so they may have not even gotten to all of the applications yet! It wouldn‚Äôt hurt to give them another little nudge to let them know you are very interested in the role. InMail would be our messaging tool of choice since that‚Äôs where the job was posted. If you can find their direct email, then sending a quick and professional note to that address is ok as well. 
Remember to tread lightly and not abuse that recruiter’s email. The last thing you want to do is be a bother – if this position doesn’t work out you will still want to be on their radar for when another great gig pops up! Here is an email outreach template that will keep your new recruiting connection on your side without pushing them too far:

“Hello (Recruiter Name),

I wanted to reach out to let you know I applied for (position title) position and personally introduce myself.

 The position appears to be a perfect fit, and I‚Äôd love to explore the position more, could we set up a time to chat? I‚Äôve added my direct contact info and resume below, but please let me know if there‚Äôs anything else I can provide you.


(Your Name) “

Don’t forget to include your direct contact information (phone number, best email) and also upload your resume so that this recruiter doesn’t have to spend even more time fishing around for your info.

Best of luck on your job hunt!