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Declassified WFH Survival Guide

Written by Admin | Jun 26, 2022 2:41:56 PM

Odds are if you’re working, you’re working from home. (Except for those angels working on the front-line.) Most of us have transitioned to being at home 24/7. While that sounds great for some people (such as introverts or those who like working in their man/she caves and basements) it’s thrown a wrench in their psyche.

With gyms, parks, activity centers, and even private trainers shutting down services, it’s important that you maintain some sense of normalcy in order to maintain your sanity and be able to de-stress. I’ll be giving you some ways on how you can retain a bit of normalcy during quarantine.


Peloton is known as the maker of high-end stationary bicycles and treadmills and is offering 90-days free on its app. This includes their bike and treadmill workouts, but also their floor workouts, yoga, and meditation classes. Don’t worry though, they’re keeping their instructors safe, by keeping them alone in their Manhattan studio.

Forte Fit

A company known for live-streaming fancy boutique studio classes will be offering on-demand recordings of those workouts free for one month. These recordings will run from boxing to HIIT (high-intensity interval training) to yoga.

The Daily Burn

Social distancing at its best, before it was a thing. Daily burn is now offering a 60-day free trial of their fitness model. Do something new every day!


“Play inside, play for the world”, that’s Nike’s new slogan to go with their dropping of their fees, for their Nike Training App. Nike dropped the subscription fee for its NTC Premium service that provides streaming workout videos, training programs, and expert tips from trainers. Nike’s library has more than 185 workouts, ranging from 15 to 60 minutes workouts, including bodyweight-only sessions, yoga classes, targeted training programs, and full-equipment workouts, covering all fitness levels. On Monday, they took it a step further, adding content about mindset, movement, nutrition, recovery, and sleep, to its social media channels, website and Nike App.

Bulldog Yoga

Now offering a 30-day free trial of their online yoga classes – It’s a great way to get in an at-home workout for your body and mind, not just for you, but the family too.

So if you’re feeling ancy, the kids are running rampant, you want to put normalcy back in your daily schedule or you just want to decompress: check these as a go to. They may just keep you from pulling an Office Space on one of your machines.