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Don’t make your employer brand the next Fyre Festival

Written by Admin | Jun 26, 2022 2:41:56 PM

By now most of us have streamed the Fyre Festival documentaries and experienced the music event that will forever live in infamy from the comfort of our couches.

But while millions were relishing the unavoidable fate of privileged festival-goers, I couldn’t help but think about how many companies use marketing tools and spend to mislead consumers every day…or in some cases, candidates. Maybe not as aggressively as Fyre Media, but deceptive marketing nonetheless.

Sure, we want to highlight the best about life and opportunities at our organizations for talent.

That IS the point of recruitment marketing, right?

But there is a fine line drawn in the Exuman sand that talent pros and employer branding specialists need to be cautious of. Yes, McFarland knows a thing or two about marketing, but when it came time to the face the music (and the influencers), he just couldn’t back up the too-good-to-be-true brand he built. Do you know what happens to companies when they mislead candidates with their employer brands? Fall-offs and anti-ambassadors.

With all of that being said, I think it’s safe to conclude that no one in the employer branding space wants to be labeled a “Billy.” These are 3 ways to authentically boost your recruitment marketing efforts without burning candidates.

  1. Video is one of the most powerful tools you can use when creating employer branded content. In fact, according to Forbes “54% of customers prefer to see videos, over other marketing tactics, from the brands they support,” so why not give the talent what they want!

    No, we aren’t talking about models feeding wild beach pigs (although that would be GREAT for engagement!). The most effective recruitment videos take place in your very own (and real) office and highlight a diverse group of employees across different ages, races, positions, and interests talking about what gets them pumped to work with your team. After the sit-down portion, don’t forget to film everyone in their normal work environment, you’ll thank yourself later for the awesome B-roll!

    Pro tip from someone NOT associated with Jerry Media: Give your featured employees the topics of the questions you will be asking on film beforehand, but please lay off the cheesy scripting.

  2. Different social media channels have had their 15 minutes of fame, but right now Instagram is where it’s at when it comes to reaching talent. Especially when you consider that “50% of Instagrammers follow brands, making them the social networkers who are most likely to do so.” Why not entice them to follow your talent brand?!

    Social videos, office parties, and awards ceremonies are all Insta content GOLD. But you can take it one step further to really authenticate your efforts by tapping your best social(media)ites to be your new employer branding ambassadors. A few outside posts a week can reach a LOT of new networks filled with fresh talent looking to follow their friends’ interests. Just remember that you aren’t running multi-million dollar influencer campaigns. Tell your team up front that you won’t be offering extra compensation for employee ambassadors other than thank you snacks, company branded swag, or kudos shout outs.

  3. Let’s talk interviews. You’re probably thinking: “if I did my job right isn’t this the point where the majority of the employer branding work is over?” Wrong. This is where it all comes together. The employer brand journey starts for candidates when they engage with external digital media efforts, and continues up until the day they sign on the dotted line to begin onboarding. An office environment that doesn’t match up with the culture you’ve been promoting isn’t exactly the equivalent of soiled mattresses and canvas tents, but it can still ruin your chances with talent. And don’t forget to secure a few welcoming bottles of water beforehand.

The golden (Ja) rule of it all: When in doubt, always remember to stay in contact with talent during the entire recruiting process by honestly answering questions, replying to social media comments, and staying up on necessary communications with candidates.

If you follow these tips when capturing and promoting your employer brand, you won’t be putting lipstick on a beach pig, simple as that.