We have spent this blog series talking about how to prepare, post to, and utilize your social profiles to attract fresh candidates to your line. If you’ve been reading along, you have all the tools you need to navigate the social waters and have started snagging those big purple basses.
Great job, Skipper! You’ve reeled in some quality placements!
Now it’s time to follow up.
Traditionally, following up is a one-time conversation that we have with our placements. We want to see how our placement is acclimating to the new company, and feel out their comfort level with the new gig.
Now don’t get me wrong, this is a very important conversation to have—But the follow up shouldn’t end there.
With the convenience of social media at your fingertips there is no excuse to stop interacting with your connections. It is important to keep your new catches engaged in your personal brand. A great way to keep their attention is the casual follow up.
Here are a few ways to master the casual follow up:
You are all set to start following up! That wasn’t so hard – right?
Kudos to you for making the most of your social profiles. Your social savvy recruiting is another tool you can use to give yourself a competitive edge. Now, throw on those waders and get back out there!