Kinetix Blog | RPO & Hiring Resources

Setting New Recruiters Up For Success

Written by Admin | Jun 26, 2022 2:41:56 PM

It is inevitable for any new hire to get that uncontrollable feeling of both excitement and nervousness the day they start a new job. It’s human and we think it is totally okay.

We all have been there and have experienced the feelings that come with walking into the first day or week at a new company.  It‚Äôs always a learning curve, seeing how you will acclimate to the job, the people, the culture, and the company.

That’s why our team at Kinetix always sets up new hires for success—and you should too.

We talked with our very own Project Manager and Trainer, Laura Hogans. Her secret sauce to helping new hires find success is – training and support.

“I develop personal relationships with the new hires so they will feel comfortable in bouncing ideas off of me and coming to me for support. My goal is to figure out how we can make our recruiters be the best version of themselves.”

How does she do it? Taking recruiters back to basics.

Part of setting our new hires up for success is creating a good foundation for them to grow and launch into being a successful recruiter.

Here’s how we create a memorable training experience for recruiters:

Video Training.

By offering video training that walks new hires through the recruiting process, we give them an overview of what they will need to do and the processes they will need to follow to be successful. With a video, you will give new hires visual insight into how and why processes work.

One –on–one training.

This means making your onboarding a personal experience. Not every recruiter is going to be the same and learn the same. How you approach each person based on how they learn is how to build a successful, individualized training guide. Maybe they work better with learning by example or the ‚Äúsink or swim‚Äù method.  During the interview process you should evaluate candidates‚Äô learning abilities and get a feel for how they absorb information‚Äîboth of those things help you formulate how the candidate should be onboarded. Knowing their strengths and weakness rom their recruiting background will also help set up new hires for success.

Introducing new recruiters to hiring managers out of the gate.

Every company may do this differently, but at Kinetix, we believe a successful client to company relationship comes down to the relationship of the hiring manager and the recruiter. It is important to walk new hires through the forms they will be using and providing to their hiring managers. If all new hires are given as much information as they possibly can right out of the gates and you know how they will learn and absorb, they should be on the path to hitting their goals.

If you set up your new hires from the beginning with just a few of the above tips, they should have all the tools to go forth and conquer.  We happen to be looking for top talented recruiters, apply here and join our kicka$$ team.