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The Community Behind Kinetix

Written by Admin | May 1, 2020 4:00:00 AM

Like many other companies, we at Kinetix like to give back whenever possible. We’ve organized can drives, book bag donations, and a variety of monetary donations throughout the years.

But we were so proud to see the selfless work of one of Kinetix’s own recruiters, Peter West. Not that he would take credit, of course.

‚ÄúThis comes from my better half, Melanie, not from me,‚Äù he wrote. ‚ÄúShe‚Äôs the great organizer that helps our neighborhood focus and deliver on the social projects that we all contribute for.  I‚Äôm just the muscle for carrying and lifting things.‚Äù

The reason we’re recognizing Peter and Melanie is because of their outpouring of support they arranged this past week.

The charitable couple took to their neighborhood Facebook page to see if anybody would like to help them care for under-served families during the COVID-19 crisis.

Less than 24 hours later, Peter and Melanie received over $1,000 from their neighbors.

With the donations flooding in, it was time to go to their first stop in their altruistic adventure: Restaurant Depot. Together they shopped for bargains to maximize what they could offer, budgeting $75 to feed each family.

The list of families was provided by another neighbor who had a personal connection with the recipients. Each family was asked if they needed help, and each family received that help from Melanie and Peter—from a respectful six feet away, of course.

Fifteen families in the Northcrest community received 40 pounds of chicken leg quarters, a tub of peanut butter, a large jar of grape jelly, a dozen eggs, 2 bags of tortillas, a large loaf of bread, a bag of vanilla wafers, 7 cans of kidney beans, 2 onions, 2 green peppers, 2 bananas, a box of butter, a jar of cooking spray, an extra large can of tomatoes, a gallon of fruit punch, a box of raisins, and 3 pounds of yellow rice. The couple hopes the food will help the families for the next two weeks.

As the COVID crisis continues to sweep the nation, the pair foresees doing a similar event later on.

“We’ll most likely do something like this again in May and June to help people who just need the basics to survive,” Peter remarked.

We are beyond proud to have people like this on our team. In a world like ours, it’s important to come together as a community. Look towards the helpers, as the saying goes. You’ll see people like Melanie and Peter.