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The Remote Life for Sylvia Cheung

Written by Admin | Jun 26, 2022 2:41:56 PM

Not everyone works well in office environments, and here at Kinetix, it’s something we’ve learned to work around and adjust to. That is why we have recruiters who work from home like Sylvia Cheung. For Sylvia, the work from home aspect of Kinetix has been a great opportunity for her career growth.

What sets working remotely apart from working in an office setting for you?

At Kinetix, when we are hired, we take an assessment that tells us how we work, how we should be coached, and how we should be motivated. My Talent DNA says I’m low on the “team” side, which means I enjoy working in quiet places. By allowing me to work from home, I can be in a quiet space that is ideal for me, which allows me to focus and get in the zone.

What’s the good, bad, and ugly about working remotely?

As an introvert, being an in-office setting can sometimes be very hard. There are always a million things happening, people walking, coworkers collaborating, coffee makers going, etc. Lots of distractions and that can sometimes be a lot for someone who likes to stay focused.  

The biggest advantage I have working from home and really just being remote is fewer distractions. With fewer distractions, I’m able to focus more and not have to be constantly sidetracked or thrown off by things going on continuously around a busy office. I can be my introverted self in my own space, with less noise, and best of all…I CONTROL THE AC!

It’s not all butterflies, however. It does get lonely not being able to see my teammates in person as often. I used to share an office with someone, and now it’s just me. Luckily, our weekly and various team meetings online, holiday parties, and annual meetings keep the feeling of togetherness present.

Distractions happen everywhere, so how do you handle even the ones that happen remotely?

I‚Äôm pretty good with time management, and if I‚Äôm dealing with a distraction, I usually have a to-do list next to me, so I know exactly where to pick back up from. My team also blocks our schedules off by hours, which makes it easier to know exactly what we‚Äôre supposed to be doing, and at what time of the day. This not only helps us, but our teammates and leadership as well. Communication is a big component in handling distractions as well. You want to make sure that if it affects anyone else, you inform them immediately to avoid any inconvenience it may cause. 

How do you ensure you’re communicating effectively with your team? What tools do you use?

As a company, we use a communication tool called Glip, which allows us to chat, have meetings, take notes, schedule task and much more. Our team has a specific team chat in which we are very active on individually on a daily basis. If a teammate has a question and drops it in the group, it‚Äôs almost immediately answered. As a team, we are also close enough that if we‚Äôre super stuck on something, we can always pick up the phone and call for a lifeline. Being available, having an open line of communication, and knowing if I need help, I know I can raise my hand and someone will be there, allows me to be a success working remotely. 

What’s the key to staying engaged with in-office team members?

Staying active in chat groups and using gifs and memes üôÇ