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Your Company’s Values Are NOT Your Company’s Employer Value Propositions

Written by Admin | Mar 7, 2018 5:00:00 AM

It’s an easy misconception, really.

After all, the word “value” is part of the phrase “employer value proposition”.

But, just as having the word ‚Äústrawberry‚Äù in ‚Äústrawberry ice cream‚Äù doesn‚Äôt make those two things the same, having the word ‚Äúvalue‚Äù in ‚Äúemployer value proposition‚Äù does not mean those two things are the same.

The major difference between values and employer value propositions.

Most companies are going to have similar variations of values. Teamwork, innovation, giving back. All noble pursuits, but more about what the company finds important from an internal POV.

Employer value propositions turn the idea of a company value on its head. Rather than being what a company finds important, an employer value proposition is going to be something a candidate finds important about a company. It‚Äôs the special little something that sets you apart from other companies. For this reason, employer value propositions are going to range all over the place from company to company. They‚Äôre going to be things like finding your best friend at work, helping transform the company, continuing your education as an employee. All things that enhance the employee experience.

Why does it matter?

This distinction is important to make because the way you approach identifying your company’s values versus your company’s employer value propositions should be very different.

If you focus on what you think is important from an internal, corporate standpoint, you’re going to blend into the crowd. As I mentioned above, values are pretty similar no matter where you go. But if you can find those things that make your current employees tick, and could make a candidate tick, you’re going to stand out in a candidate’s eyes and make them want to come work for you.

Even when you‚Äôre not talking about employer brands, that is what a value proposition is: it‚Äôs the why behind wanting something.

How to identify your company’s value propositions.

If you haven‚Äôt figured it out already, the important distinction between values and EVPs means that you as an HR person cannot sit and come up with a list of EVPs on your own, or even in a room with people from the C-suite and branding. Because EVPs aren‚Äôt about you. You and that group might have a pretty good idea of what the EVPs could be, but there‚Äôs only one way to really find out.


You need to sit and spend time with a wide range of people who work for your company and find those things that make them tick; find those things that help set your company apart from the rest.

Getting input from a cross-section of employees will help you market your company better to candidates. You‚Äôll know which themes to push when talking to them and pushing out content for them on your careers site. It‚Äôs those things‚Äîthose EVPs‚Äîthat will sway a candidate deciding to work for you versus a competitor because your competitor is probably just talking about passion as a value, but you‚Äôve got something that really sets you apart.