3 Tips to Keep Candidates Excited

The process of looking for a job has the highest highs and the lowest lows. It‚Äôs sort of like fishing. After a candidate casts their line, they‚Äôre often left waiting for someone to take the bait. 

That’s when the recruiter in shining armor comes along.

You tug on that line and the candidate perks up with intense excitement. So now that you’ve made contact, how do you preserve their enthusiasm throughout the entire interview and hiring process? Well, here are some tips.

Be Human

There are fewer things more discouraging than feeling like you’re talking to a computer when you’re dealing with something that’s important to you. As energy consuming as it may be, it’s crucial to treat each candidate as an individual and forgo using email templates whenever possible. The problem with templates is even though they’re convenient, it’s easy to overlook an element that exposes the inauthentic communication for what it is.

Here’s a quick example of what I’m talking about:

Hi John! We’re very happy to offer you an interview opportunity at [company name]. If you’re interested, please reply to this email with potential times that work best for you!

If I received this email, I would wonder if it was sent by a person or a robot. Granted, I’d reply and see where everything goes, but I’d certainly lose a bit of enthusiasm at this point. If the company didn’t want to take the time to send a brief personalized email about why I stood out, how would they treat me as an employee once I was through the door? It’s not a good first impression.

Be Timely 

Waiting is no fun, but it’s a necessary part of the hiring process. Most people understand and accept that, but there are limits. When discussing next steps, try to be as precise as possible when setting expectations for following up. Whatever you do, make sure you follow up within that time frame, even if you don’t have the information promised earlier. Be honest and thank your candidate for sticking with you. This shows that you respect the candidate’s time and the effort they’re putting in. The moment the candidate begins to feel they’ve been ghosted is the exact moment when excitement for the company spirals downward.

Be Helpful

Now it’s almost time for the big interview! You’ve done your best to keep the candidate’s enthusiasm going and now it’s up to them to shine. Before they walk into the lion’s den, you can give them a little boost by providing fast tips. You know your client better than the interviewee, so go ahead and share some of the dos and don’ts that the company is looking for. Do they prefer a more business casual look? Are they impressed by someone who reads their company blog? Should the candidate bring dog photos to win over the pup-loving hiring manager? That last one is a joke, but you get the idea.

Even though these may sound like small things, it can be invaluable information that could put your candidate over the top, boosting their confidence with every question they feel extra prepared to answer!

Give these tips a try to spur a positive change in your candidates’ overall demeanor and enthusiasm for your open roles.

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