Ask a Recruiter feat. Keri Wissell

Kinetix strives to be not just experts in recruitment marketing, but also thought leaders within the recruiting space.  At the end of the day our recruitment marketing efforts are what supports the bottom line ‚Äì Recruiting.

Employer branding is taking the second step from your main brand and reworking a career brand ‚Äì  a brand that showcases current employees and appeals to potential candidates.  This is the tactic a company can use to showcase how awesome their company and employees are to attract the right talent!

Keri Wissell is one of those kick a$$ employees we have and she sat down with us to discuss her career before Kinetix, what she has learned since becoming a part of the Kinetix army and advice she wants you, fellow recruiters, to use in your own recruiting practices!

2015-07-06_01.39.36-1_720How long have you worked at Kinetix?

‚ÄúI started at Kinetix August 5, 2014.  I can‚Äôt believe it‚Äôs been over two years.  What a ride!‚Äù

What do you specialize in? 

“I specialize in Healthcare Specifically Medical Assistants.”

What previous experiences helped you be the recruiter you are today?

‚ÄúI started recruiting in 2000.  I had always worked in Customer Service prior to that.  I

love people‚Ķeven the challenging ones!  And I believe my retail Customer Service experience really helped me understand people.  I think being able to listen to what

people want and the ability to read between the lines really helps me in recruiting.”

What is something new you have learned since being at Kinetix?

‚ÄúRecruiting can be a real ‚Äúdog eat dog‚Äù experience.  I‚Äôve learned here at Kinetix that recruiting can be a team sport.  Kinetix is a place that encourages success!  They provide training and support in areas I hadn‚Äôt experienced with my previous employers.‚Äù

What tips can you share with other recruiters?

‚ÄúBuckle Up!  It‚Äôs a wild ride!  But the successes can be huge.  Remember you are dealing with people and their lives!  Treat them as you would want to be treated and ALWAYS remember‚Ķthe people you get hired today could be a Hiring Manager later on. ‚ÄúBuild Better Companies‚Äù with the people you get hired but more importantly, build long lasting relationships!‚Äù

What do you think is the main driver of your success?

‚ÄúChanging people‚Äôs lives for the better.  But also the thrill of filling a hard-to-fill position and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!‚Äù

As recruiting gets more competitive and a ‚Äúdog eat dog‚Äù experience, it‚Äôs always good to utilize and take in the advice from the recruiters who are willing to share.  Use Keri‚Äôs expertise in your own recruiting practices to charge forward and find top talent.

Wanna hang with the cool kids? Kinetix is the perfect place where recruiters can come to learn and grow. And lucky for you, we are hiring.

Take the advice from Keri and run with it or come join our recruiting team. Your move!




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