Easy Social Recruiting Strategies You’re Missing Out On

Are you one of those who thinks recruiting via social media is ‚Äúsketchy‚Äù and you don‚Äôt really ‚Äúget‚Äù how you could possibly find quality talent on the *cough cough* INTERNET? You‚Äôre missing out, my recruiter friend.

Social media is the way of the world. Twitter, LinkedIn, and even Facebook can really make the recruitment magic happen. Check out this story of how this NBA fan landed his dream job with the team by using Twitter!

You are looking to hire superb talent, just as talent is looking for a superb place to work—you both are on social media, so how do you connect?

Try these easy social recruiting strategies to instantly:

  1. Use #hashtags (ex: #hiring #tweetmyjobs #jobs #jobopening) to connect with talent on the hunt.
  2. Keep an eye on retweets and mentions—these are opportunities to start a conversation with potential candidates!
  3. Post valuable content job seekers want to see and how it can help them‚Äînot you (doing this will, in fact, help you in the long run.)
  4. Take advantage of groups on LinkedIn. Join relevant groups, socialize with members, and scope out possible leads (and post job postings in the groups!)
  5. Use Buffer to schedule meaningful content to be posted. This will leave more time for you to start conversations and form relationships in the socialsphere.
  6. Don’t be another one of those “job opportunity” spammers where all you do is post jobs. Interact with others, show your personality, and share cool insight about the company you work for. Culture matters these days if you want top talent.

These simple strategies will help boost your social recruiting efforts fast. Do you have any insider secrets you use to make your recruiting strategy stand out? Let’s hear ‘em!

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