How a Staffing Agency Can Get You Growing in 2019

Now that 2018 is behind us and we are in Q1, there’s no better time to look at your company’s business processes to see where some beneficial changes can be made. Think of it as a resolution for your company–which in the end will benefit you and your team.

I mean, who doesn’t want the freshest, most qualified talent out there?

Staffing and talent solutions companies (like us) are the pièce de résistance to achieving your talent goals in 2019. Offering the most efficient way to find candidates that are qualified and a solid fit culturally, staffing companies save you time, money, and hassle.

How do you know if your organization needs a staffing company? Well, are your recruits staying around? Are your teams thriving and collaborating effectively? Are your people keeping up with business demands? Are all of your departments teeming with talent?

If you answered no to any of those, it’s time to consider a staffing company.

So, how can your corporation partner with a staffing agency to drive the results you need?

First, you want to pick a place you trust. The recruiters and organization need to be all in on getting you the best person for your team. This outside agency needs to care about the long term and finding the absolute best person for the role and organization as a whole as much as you do.

Second, keep your entire team informed. Let everyone know the plan so everyone is on the same page and behind the changes you are about to make. Giving your team the knowledge they need will close the agency onboarding gap faster, so the processes don’t become strenuous. Not to mention how much faster you’ll get talent in your door if everyone is on the same page!

Which brings me to my third point, be timely. It’s easy to miss out on good candidates if you’re dillydallying through the partnership’s (because this is the epitome of a working relationship!) beginning stages. Don’t let any talent slip through the cracks, that’s the exact opposite of what you want.

And finally, fourth, provide feedback. One of the best parts of working with a staffing agency is that you only have to interview a select few candidates–all of which are more than qualified if vetted by experienced talent pros like ours at Kinetix. The best way to ensure you keep getting the best candidates is to provide feedback on those you’ve interviewed, that way recruiters can work to find you more people that fit the bill.

What are the benefits of partnering with a staffing company? Easy.

  1. A more streamlined hiring process ‚Äì Staffing companies are whizzes in recruiting, hiring, and networking‚Äìthey live and breathe it every day. Agencies have seasoned experts in all things employment; from challenges to market conditions to best practices. Everything you need, recruiters know how to do.
  2. Quality employees ‚Äì Isn‚Äôt that what every organization wants? Employees that are good at what they do and are a pleasure to work alongside, not to mention loyal. High turnover is costly, so it only makes sense for your company to work with a staffing agency to find you qualified talent that‚Äôs in it for the long run.
  3. Flexibility ‚Äì If you just need additional resources or someone to cover vacations, medical leave, etc., staffing companies work with skilled workers and professionals looking for all types of positions.
  4. A wide network of candidates ‚Äì As you would imagine, staffing companies have a vast network of qualified candidates. Staffing pros like ours can put you in touch with the most tantalizing talent on the market for a new career. And, as recruiters make stronger bonds with candidates, they have a better understanding of what they‚Äôre looking for, which will be helpful for when your company decides what you‚Äôre looking for.
  5.  Time ‚Äì Working with a staffing agency not only gets you solid candidates, but it also saves you time! The hiring process is long and vexing, but with recruiters to sort through resumes and only send you the top competition, you‚Äôll have much more time to invest in the other important parts of your business. All you have to do is say yes or no to the candidates; it‚Äôs that easy.

So, if your business resolutions align with the new-year-new-you initiatives, then there’s no better way to kick that off and sustain your growth than partnering with a staffing agency.

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