Remote work is becoming more and more prevalent between the rise of the gig economy and younger generations filtering into the workforce. As a recruiter, a challenge might be posed when looking to hire for these positions. Since it’s common for recruiters not to meet their candidates face-to-face, it’s up to you to make sure that your due diligence is done.
Here are a few tips to get the ball rolling.
Remember that communication is key. Email is great, but through phone calls and video interviews, you can really get a feel for your potential hire’s personality and whether or not they will mesh well with the culture of your client. If you’re feeling a little wary about your video interviewing skills, click here to brush up!
Understanding the Upsides
Hiring remote employees may seem like a real curse to the Baby Boomers, but there are definitely benefits.
- Better Employee Retention Rate
If turnover is an issue for your client, remote work might help solve the problem. Studies show that remote work lessens the risk of employees leaving their organizations due to issues with staff members, relocation, or health problems.
- Widened Talent Pool
When it comes to hiring remote compared to hiring locally, the remote offers an advantage because you’re able to reach more people with skillsets that could potentially be better than your local contenders.
- Mental Health Preservation
Did you know that 82% of remote employees have reported a reduction in stress and an increase in savings due to the elimination of their commute? Who doesn’t love more money and less stress?
Stretch Out the Hiring Process A Little
This tip is pretty simple. It takes time to get to know and understand how people operate. With that said, make sure you are taking the same time with your potential hires to make sure that they are, in fact, the best contender for the position. Do your homework! Stalk those LinkedIns!
Be Honest
As we all know, remote policies can differ from organization to organization. Make sure that you are as transparent as possible when it comes to whether or not the office is all-remote, or just “remote-friendly.”
Try these tips next time you’re looking to do some remote hiring, and let us know how it works out!