The Simple Secrets to Candidate Sourcing

As talent industry aces, we all know the struggle – you’re looking for the candidate of your dreams, someone who is loyal and punctual, someone who can accomplish the list of necessary job responsibilities and skills for a position. Before you put your headphones on and bolt straight to your favorite job board, we need to rightfully recognize how inefficient sourcing habits can seriously hinder the recruiting process.

With today’s hyper-competitive job market, effectively sourcing these all-star candidates is going to be one of the most crucial steps in your recruiting process. It’s time to get crafty with your approach to finding the best talent for your open roles – these are a few proven tips and tricks you can leverage to source the best candidates for your positions.

Show, not tell

A job description is more than a boring laundry list of job responsibilities and duties for a vacant role. Think about it – this is the first contact a potential applicant has with your company, so you better make a worthwhile impression! It should come as no surprise that the description has to be more than a list, but it also has to give the potential candidate insight into what it means to be a part of the team. Get a little buddy-buddy with your hiring manager and ask them to identify the best qualities of the people who currently hold the same or similar roles.

Obviously, we need to create a job description that outlines the key responsibilities and deliverables of the position, but we also need to define the behavioral characteristics of the ideal candidate. A deep dive seems like a lot of homework, but it gives you as a recruiter a much more comprehensive profile of the perfect person for the job.

Roll up your sleeves and get to work

Chances are, the best candidates for your position won’t be the first to apply. It’s up to you and your recruiting team to get proactive, or in other words, go out there and find great candidates! By using a variety of different platforms, you are keeping the odds in your favor. A strong candidate might be a simple LinkedIn message away, but you’ll never know if you cut corners. Utilizing online tools and not being afraid to seek candidates out will greatly impact your success in the hunt for top candidates.

Tap into your inner circles 

Spread the word! Tell your fellow recruiters the position that you’re looking to fill along with the description, so they can help you in your search. You never know if a recruiter in your circle is connected with the perfect person for the position you’re looking to fill. An added bonus that comes with including your recruiting team is that they have already made the initial contact with the potential applicant, so they’re already an invaluable resource in figuring out if the applicant is right for the role!

Beyond just your recruiting circle, you never know who your other professional connections may know, or if they themselves are in the market for a new position. Contacting people in your professional network may bring you leads you didn’t know you could reach.

The Employee’s Choice Award Goes To…

Think outside of your recruiting box. What does a potential employee consider before agreeing to join a particular team or organization? Career development? Great benefits? Stable salary? Is this company employee friendly or use their mission to empower the minds and passions of the people they employ? These are all great additions to any job description that can enhance your chances of attracting the right candidate.

There you have it! Now get out there and start using these strategies to help you source the best candidates for your positions.

Happy recruiting!

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