The Power of Social Media Influencers in Recruiting

The first people that come to mind when thinking of an influencer in the social media world are celebrities – at least for millennials like me.

The actual definition of social media influencer is:

“A Social Media Influencer is a user on social media who has established credibility in a specific industry. A social media influencer has access to a large audience and can persuade others by virtue of their authenticity and reach.”

According to Entrepreneur, some of the top named social media influencers today are Dwayne Johnson, Ellen DeGeneres and Snoop Dogg.

I mean, I would love to think recruiters can Drop it like it’s Hot too, but in the world of recruiting your social media influencers probably go as far as top performers who work at Korn Ferry or Robert Half. These people and companies are influencing the hiring world and how the rest will follow and I have an argument on why the biggest social media influencers in recruiting are being overlooked.

So who are the recruiting world’s biggest influencers? Currently employed team members at the company you are recruiting for.


As a recruiter you are trying to sell the position to a multitude of candidates. What better way is there to sell a job from employee testimonials of happily employed individuals that work at your client’s company aka – Employment Branding.

Employment Branding is a newer form of marketing that describe an organization‚Äôs reputation as an employer, and its value proposition to its employees.

As a recruiter, when trying to sell a job you should be leading all your candidates to your client’s employer brand to help candidates identify with the company professionally, culturally and personally.

Employment branding works as 75% of job seekers consider an employer’s brand before even applying for a job.

There are statistics to prove it:

  • Recruiters who represent a strong employer brand are twice as likely to receive responses from candidates they contact.
  • A strong employer brand discourages early departures: New hires are 40% less likely to leave after the first 6 months.
  • Employers with a strong talent brand drive 2x the number of applicants per job compared to other companies.

If you are recruiting for a company that has an already existing employment branding strategy, then use that to your advantage to help get you more traction in the talent space. If they don’t, tell them to hit us up at Kinetix, we know how to Drop it like it’s Hot in employment branding.


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