If you’re anything like our Kinetix Recruiters, you know how to source AWESOME talent. That’s right – we find the best people and connect them to the best jobs. It’s literally in our job description (no seriously, take a look!).
Sourcing top talent can sometimes make it harder for some hiring managers to make a decision on which great candidate is perfect for the role. What happens when you get the call saying, “I loved Tim and Tina for the Social Media Coordinator role!” How do you pick the right person?
Have no fear, area code hiring is here! Area code hiring is a simple three step solution that our recruiters use to be the best partners to their hiring managers. You can be like our rock stars by a simple three-digit code.
Match with the Role and Ability to Perform: 1-9
This one is basic: stick to the facts. On a scale of 1-9 (9 being the most capable, 1 being the least) where does each candidate fall? Anything lower than a 7, you might want to keep moving!
Would YOU hire them? 0/1
What does your gut tell you? Stick to your instinct here, 0 mean you wouldn’t hire, 1 means you would.
Cultural Fit: 1-9
The final digit is culture fit, how well would this person mesh in with the rest of the company. On a scale of 1-9 (9 being the best fit, 1 being the worst) where does each candidate fall?
To break it down, you want to stick with the best area codes like NYC’s 718 or 917, but not Manhattan’s 212.
This is a great tool to use, especially with multiple hiring managers for the role. Have every write their numbers down on a piece of paper, and then collectively go through them. Ask why they chose the number for the category and watch the conversation roll!
Want to learn more about the art of area code hiring and other great leadership tools? Check out our BOSS Leadership Training series and other HR Consulting services we offer.