Jenn Hoffer

Jennifer Hoffer is an HR Consultant at Kinetix. She has a wide range of expertise including skills in project management, Human Resources, leadership training, recruiting, technology, and organization. If people have a question at Kinetix, the usual response is, “Ask Jenn, she’ll know!”. Maybe her most impressive skill is being a mom to 2 energetic boys – Hawk and Micah - and a 95 lb. gentle giant of a dog named Vampa – Count of Monte Cristo anyone? She loves traveling the world and would love to hear what places she should add to her bucket list. When her boys are asleep, she can be found curled up with a large book and drinking a cup of tea (or wine).

RPO & Recruiting Resources

How To Do Virtual Training Well

How To Do Virtual Training Well


If you are responsible for training programs, it’s a jungle out there, especially if you’re implementing virtual training. To keep the ever-changing jungle at bay, you must learn to change as the jungle changes. Innovation is key. If you don’t learn to[…]