Organizational Tips for the Remote Recruiter

Organizational Tips for the Remote Recruiter

Remote work offers a better work-life balance and allows businesses to hire the best talent, even if they can’t physically be in office each day.

If you aren’t already working remotely, odds are you will one day. There’s been a 159% growth in remote work over the last 12 years, according to a recent study by Global Workplace Analytics. Whether you’re full-time remote or just sometimes, it’s becoming the norm for many industries. Office life has its benefits too, especially for those high on the need-social-interaction scale (ME), but there’s no ignoring the trends.

During COVID-19, many have been sent home to work remotely. Here are some organizational tips to keep you productive and focused to reach those production goals:

Create Structure

This is easier said than done, but it’s an important factor to being productive.

  • Set and maintain your work hours and dedicate an office space in your home if possible. Separating your personal space from a workspace can assist you in getting into the work zone easier.
  • Morning routines will vary depending on your household, but keep them up. Even if you aren‚Äôt leaving your home, get up and get ready for the day. Sitting in your PJs sounds fun, but you never know who will need to hop on a quick video call!
  • When planning your day, make sure you provide yourself a break to grab lunch, run a quick errand, walk the dog, or reassess your tasks.

Maintaining your structured day will keep you productive and focused, while setting time aside for a break can help you re-energize.

Manage Your Time

Prioritize your goals and tasks at the start of every week, and every day. To stay in a proactive mode, do this before looking at email so you don’t go into reactive mode.

  • Set large scale tasks and goals at the start of your week, and smaller daily tasks every morning.
    • Setting a realistic check list each day can help you better track your production progress
  • Schedule all your meetings, even the short 15 minute check-ins. Not only does it keep you and the other participants as organized as possible, you‚Äôll be less likely to forget or postpone the item and be able to plan your day better when you see it on your calendar.
  • Remove yourself from distractions as much as possible and be mindful of you and your teammate‚Äôs time.

Communicate with Your Team

Not only is communicating your goals and projects important during meetings, it’s important throughout the week. Stay in touch with your teammates through appropriate channels.

  • Create a team chat for conversation or when you need advice and input. Just because you can‚Äôt go up to their desk, doesn‚Äôt mean they‚Äôre completely out of reach
  • Communicate with your manager/advisor/leader when you have good news and bad. Keeping them updated regularly on the status of your projects will help you achieve your production goals.
  • Socialize! Get your work done and collaborate but be proactive in building rapport with your coworkers.

There’re a million other posts out there about how to stay productive and focused while working remote. For recruiters, well, you could write a novel on how to manage the tasks you’re performing daily. The most important thing about working remotely is meeting all the goals you would have had in office, too.

Stay connected, stay focused, and be the productive god/goddess of recruiting we know you are. 

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