Embracing Mobile: The Future of Applying to Jobs

Embracing Mobile: The Future of Applying to Jobs

Over the past decade, our society has been gradually adapting to mobile-first lifestyles. Most of us spend more time on our phones than we do our standalone computers. It stands to reason that when it comes to applying to jobs, it’s very convenient to embrace platforms that fully embrace mobile applicants.

So how does this affect recruiters?

Well, for one, a mobile-friendly application process can reduce the number of abandoned applications. There are fewer things more off-putting to a job seeker than seeing a long, archaic job application littered with empty text boxes. Now imagine seeing something like that on a 5-7-inch screen. This is nightmare fuel for mobile applicants.

The goal is to reduce the amount of typing a jobseeker must do on mobile when filling out an application. Ideally, they’d only need to enter their name, phone number and email address before uploading their complete resume. If you wanted to take it one step further, you could also have them submit a video response to a few screening questions as well.

By requiring an initial video response, you’ll effectively eliminate the effort traditionally required to schedule and conduct the first phone interview. The impressions gathered from the resume and video responses can help you determine whether to invest time in setting up an in-person interview.

This modern approach to filtering the right candidates for a job will become more important as time goes on. We will get to a point when younger generations will be mostly unfamiliar with the process of spending over an hour to fill out a job application. They’re bound to run for the hills should they be faced with that realization. And can you honestly say you’d rather read through dozens of applications that have been pre-formatted to be uniform and bland? Do you really need to know references or emergency contacts at such an early step in the process? Modernizing this process not only benefits the applicant, but it can shake things up for you too.

Speaking of modernizing, let’s talk a little more about video interviews.

So far, we’ve gone over pre-recorded responses as a first step. However, we can also use live video interviews as part of the vetting process as well. This method may not work for all businesses, but it can save a lot of time and effort for businesses that require multiple screenings before presenting an offer.

Some of the same qualities for determining one’s character can be applied to video interviews as well. Do they show up on time? Are they dressed for the part? Does it appear they’ve researched anything about the role and company beforehand? The best candidates will check all those boxes.

At the end of the day, a good old-fashioned in-person meeting will be the final determining factor in hiring. But just imagine how much time you can save by simply relying on the technology that reliably rests at your fingertips every day. The future is here—use it!

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