Ideas Are Worthless Without Execution

Ideas are everywhere.

It’s the execution that’s rare.

I often hear or see so many people who complain about wanting something that other people have, or something they want to be done, or want others to do, or want to change something, etc. but won’t do anything themselves to get stuff moving forward…

Can you relate?

Maybe your one of those people?


Here’s a novel idea: stop complaining/protesting if you’re not going to do anything to make a difference yourself.


This goes for work life, personal life, side-hustle life, entrepreneur life, etc.


If you have an idea, speak up.


If you don’t like something, speak up.


If you want to seek changes in processes or feel like something could be done better or more efficiently, have a chat with your boss to see if there is a solution to come up with.

Sitting like a bump on a log waiting for others to do something for you is going to get you one place… nowhere.

You‚Äôd be surprised at how open your leadership/manager/boss are to ideas‚Äîit‚Äôs their goal to make their business run smoother, too.

But maybe you have limiting beliefs or that no one will take you seriously. No one will have the chance to take you seriously if you don‚Äôt take yourself seriously by communicating your thoughts and ideas.


Here are some steps to remove limiting beliefs from your mind and bring your ideas to life:


1. Take a week to think about what might be causing your hesitation, lack of confidence to speak up, and acknowledge limiting beliefs.


2. Come up with a mantra that will shift negative emotions into positive affirmations. Ex: ‚ÄúI want to talk to my boss about a new team strategy, but he probably won‚Äôt care.‚Äù ‚Äî> ‚ÄúI believe in this new team strategy because I see the day to day grind of our team, and I‚Äôm certain it will help us provide more efficient care to our clients.‚Äù Repeat your positive affirmation to yourself daily.


3. Be clear with your intentions. What do you want to gain from sharing your idea with your boss? Be specific with a strategy plan, steps to execute, and expected outcomes. This will help your boss see you have dedicated time to provide potential value, and it will help you when it comes time to execute your idea.


4. Let go and execute. This is the most important trick‚Äîdon‚Äôt worry about what other people think so much. Let‚Äôs say bosslady approved your idea and wants to see how you can create a better data-tracking plan, for example. Don‚Äôt worry about what your other coworker might say or think about you‚Äîit doesn‚Äôt matter. This is the MOST limiting belief‚Äîworrying about what peers think of you.


If there is an idea you believe in, take action. If there is room for improvement with something at work, speak up.


Or forever hold your peace…

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