May 6th signaled National Nurses Day and kicked off National Nurses Week. May 12th is international nurses day, and nurses, as we know, are modern-day legends. It’s a career that is intrinsically selfless; they care for others, day in, day out.
2020 is officially the Year of the Nurse, but it’s important to always keep our healthcare workers in mind—especially now (come on, you knew I was going to say it!).
We are recruiting healthcare professionals every day, our team is full of people with professional, and personal connections to our Health Care Heroes. In honor of those who dedicate their lives to our health, some of our Kinetix folks wanted to take the time to thank the nurses in their lives.

Leanne Frank thanks her Mother
“It is said that a great nurse is hard to find. I am blessed to have a great nurse in my life; I call her Mom. Thank you for all that you do. Happy Nurses Week!”

Charisse Haynes, Talent Acquisition Manager, recognized her aunt.
“My aunt has been a nurse for 5 years. Currently she is working on a Covid-19 floor in New York City. Aunty Carol, I know it’s been your dream to care for people who can’t care for themselves. Thank you for being selfless in these trying times!!”

And Richard Boling took the time out to thank his number one inspiration.
“Thanks to my mom, who worked as an LPN for 15 years. My father was in the army so we moved constantly. My mom was always able to work, mainly as a volunteer, for the family practice areas. Growing up, none of us were allowed to do poorly in biology or else she’d tutor you directly. Thanks for being a great role model!”
Thank the nurses in your life. They are truly doing the impossible!