Reset Yourself for 2020

The new year is here, and like many, it’s time for us all to reset ourselves–not only at home but at work. This reset is the difference between your stagnant complacency carried over from the previous year and the boost into the new atmosphere of your career.

Looking for a better job, more pay, or a promotion? Check out these steps to take in the new year and get a jumpstart!

Set Goals but Be Flexible

Setting goals, whether short-term or long-term, can help you identify where you want to go and where you are in your career goals now. It will allow you to see the path you want to take and how you should proceed. It also allows for flexibility, because although you’ll be aware of how to get there and know what it takes, you can always adjust your goals to be realistic for your situation.

Educate Yourself

2020 is going to be a transitional point for what we call “The Fourth Industrial Revolution,” and skillsets we possess will be very important. Any forward progress will require you to have, maintain, and learn new skills that keep you relevant and knowledgeable in your industry. Specific job skills will be necessary for different job markets over the next couple of years, so 2020 will be a great year to prepare yourself.


As trivial as it sounds, not enough people do this. Networking online via LinkedIn or by attending conferences and learning sessions opens up a new world for people to see how things work. When looking for jobs, did you know almost 80% of jobs are not posted publicly, but filled by word-of-mouth, and personal networking? That means if you’re not networking, you are potentially missing out on new and exciting jobs.

Join Professional Organizations

On top of networking, joining professional organizations and groups provides the same thing but with a specific focus on your job and/or industry. Just joining gets your foot in the door; once you become involved with committees, tasks, and events, this can be your way to gain management and leadership skills.

Say Yes

Say yes to new tasks, opportunities, and risks. Allow yourself to try new things without the mounting weight of failure. This will let you see things clearly instead of having to worry about a result. Knowing that you’ve tried your best will be your reward.

Also, Say No

Saying no establishes your boundaries and the limits you put on yourself. This keeps you from becoming a doormat or a dumping ground for people and their tasks and/or problems. Make your own decisions instead of letting others make them for you.

Learn to Mentally Break Away

In the new year, learning how to have a balance between work and personal life will be imperative. This means not checking email after a certain time, stepping away from your computer for a 10-15 minute break, micro-naps–anything that can give your brain and productivity a boost.

Setting yourself up for success in the new year may sound like a resolution, but it just step 1 to a larger goal you already have. For some, this reset could redirect you to get to those end-goals.

If this was all it took to make your 2020 the best year ever, would you do it?

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