Step Up Your Instagram Game Part 1: Brand Your Account Page

We‚Äôve all heard the saying ‚Äúa picture is worth 1,000 words.‚Äù But that‚Äôs it? Just 1,000? Why limit yourself to just a measly 1,000 words?

Enter Instagram – A Shining Beacon for Employer Branding Gurus

If your company is not on Instagram (or maybe you devote minimal effort to your account,) you are missing your chance to engage the 100 million pairs of eyes that use the app every day.

That‚Äôs a lot of potential brand interaction opportunities wasted. As recruiting pros and branding wizards, we know that the more people we engage, the better our brand looks to potential clients, candidates, and competition. Can I get an amen from the people?!

With Instagram, your employer brand can reach an unlimited number of people, without costing you a dime. Sounds like a sweet deal, right?

Are you ready to take your 1,000 word-value posts to the next level?

There always must be a natural starting point. For Instagram, that would be your account’s home page. Here are a few things to consider when branding your Instagram profile:

  1. Get a handle on your username: Choose a username that is unique to your company, and make sure your licensed name is in it! Having an Instagram will do you no good if potential new candidates and clients can‚Äôt identify who you even are.Keep it simple, short, and relevant. Your username should also resemble your handle, so choose something that is easy to tag and search.For example: Our Instagram is @KinetixTalent. From the get go, you see the name of the organization and that we specialize in the talent field.
  2. Pick a winning photo: Choose a profile picture that you already use to brand your organization. Make sure that your logo is somewhere clear in the photo to help your audience make the connection.
  3. Brand that bio: Linking your Instagram account to your organization‚Äôs Facebook page can help you get started. This will allow you to list yourself as a ‚ÄúProfessional Service‚Äù‚Äî a solid way to let users know that you are the real deal.This is your chance to give potential new applicants a taste of who you are. Explain what your company does in a voice that is consistent with your organization. Don‚Äôt be afraid to use words and phrases that highlight your Employer Value Proposition, or what you have to offer employees.This piece should be only a couple of sentences, so make them count!
  4. Where can they find you: There is a space for you to list your company‚Äôs website and location under your bio, use it!This lets users know where to look for job opportunities, and where your headquarters are. Not to mention leading them to your website with all of that well-branded content will win you big points!The more information candidates can get their hands on, the better.
  5. Don‚Äôt make them work for your number: Instagram offers a unique ‚Äúcontact‚Äù button, located at the top of your company‚Äôs account page.This button allows interested users to get directions to your HQ, give you a ring, or shoot you an email, all in one click! Just fill out your number, address, and an inbound-friendly email address.

Congrats! Your Instagram account page is ready to greet new candidates with employer branded information!

Stay tuned for next week’s blog, where we will talk about prime Instagram photo branding opportunities.

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