It’s true, and it’s as common as pollen in Georgia.
“So what?” You may be asking. “The job descriptions are there to give information to the candidate, and nothing more. It doesn’t need to be exciting.”
Well, that’s where we disagree. See, the #1 reason people change jobs is because of career opportunity. Instead of having the same old, humdrum job description for the same position they’ll be applying for all over the place, having a job description that actually serves as a peek into the company culture can set you apart and put you ahead of the competition in one fell swoop. That’s just good recruitment marketing–ever heard if it?
So what makes a good job description?
- Brevity
We know you want to play it safe and give the candidate transparency into the job, but there’s no good reason to list every single job function that may or may not occur during their tenure. The statistics agree: 60% of candidates have quit an application process because it took too long. AKA, candidates value their time, and the longer your laundry list of potential responsibilities trails, the less chance you have of converting that talent into an applicant. Job descriptions should be concise summaries of the position, and any questions or additional duties they may have can be ironed out in the interview stage. It’s no good to discount over half of your candidate pool because your first sign of the company was a snore.
- Show Off Your Company’s Voice
Indeed certainly knows how to engage employees with the power of job descriptions. They openly advise companies to hook the reader with details about what makes your company unique in a brief, pithy manner. In short, job descriptions aren’t just about what the job can do–it’s why the candidate should join you in your quest to own your industry! Invite the candidate to be a part of your purpose and show off your style.
I’ll show you how we spice it up the Kinetix way.

Believe us, showing there’s a real human writing the job description who enjoys puns and The Office can only help your recruiting process and effectively market your culture.