RPO & Recruiting Resources

How to Thrive and Survive an Open Office


There‚Äôs something about the absence of walls and barriers that makes me intrinsically happy. Having the ability to talk, brainstorm, and joke with coworkers helps me connect with my team, while also getting my work done. Walls only make things more[…]

The Academy Award for Employee Recognition Goes To…


If you are like most of America, you tuned in last night to watch The Oscars. If you are particularly daring, you probably made it all the way until the end to watch one of the most awkward recognition moments in Academy Award history as it was happening.

Professions That Are Poised for a Women’s Revolution

Professions That Are Poised for a Women’s Revolution


Did you know that women hold the majority of jobs in the United States? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women accounted for 50.04% of non-farming and self-employment jobs as of December 2019. Women are currently dominating positions centered[…]

Why Change Doesn’t Have to Equal Failure


Too often in life, we see change in a project or an idea as a failure that forces us to take stock of the situation and evaluate our decisions. At Kinetix, we‚Äôre here to tell you that change doesn‚Äôt have to equal failure. And we‚Äôre not just giving[…]

Communication is the “Sway”


We‚Äôve been doing some hardcore internal communication revamps here at Kinetix‚ÄîI‚Äôm talking head-banging, crowdsurfing, electric guitar hardcore. You may have seen Patrick Ward‚Äôs breakdown of how we integrated Slack, a real-time messaging and[…]

Can a Horrible Boss Be a Great Leader?


In short, yes. But there‚Äôs more to it than you think. If you‚Äôve had a horrible boss‚Äìand you probably have‚Äìyou know the difference between a boss that‚Äôs tough and one that‚Äôs down right horrible. A tough boss pushes you and wants to see you[…]

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