RPO & Recruiting Resources

The Secret to Seasonal Hires Revealed

The Secret to Seasonal Hires Revealed


Ahhhh‚Ķ Fall is in the air; the smell of the seasons turning and pumpkin spice lattes! So you know what that means: it‚Äôs time to start hiring for seasonal employees. Yes, it‚Äôs the beginning of September, but if last year was any indication, you[…]

4 Questions To Ask Your Employee Who Just Quit


Sometimes it’s a shock when a star employee leaves your company to pursue another opportunity. Sometimes it’s not (and you kinda wanted them to leave, know what I’m sayin’?)

Gamification In The Workplace


Gamification is that buzzword that no one knows what to do with. It’s vague, ambiguous, and sounds dangerously close to a crock of BS. Employees turning work into games? Uh, not on my watch.

Lessons and Advice From One Young Manager to Another


At Kinetix, we spend a lot of time thinking about how to best set up our managers of people for success. We rely on our managers to lead our recruiting teams and other departments crucial to our success as a business. Within that framework, we have quite[…]

Don't Be a Stranger: How To Engage Remote Employees


As more and more companies are moving to a flexible work environment that allows employees to work remotely from home, it's become imperative for us to begin to think about how to best engage our remote workforce. Here at Kinetix, we've experienced this[…]

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