RPO & Recruiting Resources

The 2018 Resolution for Top Recruiters


The time of year we have all been waiting for (AKA dreading) is upon us, and we ALL know what that means. It’s time to declare the 2018 resolutions that we will be “committing” to starting January 1st.

3 Reasons Why Offboarding is Important


Goodbyes can be hard, but it‚Äôs a necessary reality for companies. Whether an employee‚Äôs departure is planned or not, it‚Äôs very important to have an offboarding process in place to ensure the smoothest transition possible for your company and the[…]

Nursing: Shaped by Women, Paid with a Gap

Nursing: Shaped by Women, Paid with a Gap


According to HRO Today, Kinetix is a top nursing recruiter. We love nurses and their countless contributions to the medical field are unmatched. With COVID-19 gradually changing the ways we carry out our daily lives, men and women in the nursing field[…]