Step Up Your Instagram Game Part 1: Brand Your Account Page
We’ve all heard the saying “a picture is worth 1,000 words.” But that’s it? Just 1,000? Why limit yourself to just a measly 1,000 words?
We’ve all heard the saying “a picture is worth 1,000 words.” But that’s it? Just 1,000? Why limit yourself to just a measly 1,000 words?
‚ÄúThere‚Äôs gold in them thar hills!‚Äù ‚Äì unknown The original speaker of the above quote may be unknown (with a few suspects), but its background is not. Whoever spoke it first was referring to the gold rushes in Georgia and California, insisting[…]
If you follow any of the big analyst companies, you may have seen a recruitment marketing funnel that looks like this:
Once upon a time you created business profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, . Now you’re even using them to promote your brand by actively sharing content! That’s great. You’re off to a good start, but there’s a missing piece: Data analysis.
Not including referral candidates, every candidate who comes through your pipeline starts in the same place: your job description. Job descriptions are the very first thing a candidate sees. It‚Äôs the hook that pulls them in, gets them to apply, and[…]
In today‚Äôs world of constant information overload, noise, and clutter it can be difficult to attract and retain the attention of those you‚Äôre trying to reach. Candidates nowadays are bombarded with emails, targeted ads, and phone calls from all[…]
Take a minute to think about where the largest chunk of your following is.
Let’s face it – your careers site could probably use some revamping. Heck, you may not even have a careers site to begin with; just a sad ATS page for candidates to land on when they click “Careers” or “Jobs” on your corporate website.
There’s a general consensus in society, as well as home decor, that it’s the little things in life that matter the most. Enjoy the little pleasures. Appreciate the small moments. All that jazz.
“Be the change you wish to see in the world”—you’ve heard this gem of a quote before, I’m sure. Oh, and “Be the ball.” That’s a classic.