Even Daenerys Needs a Job
As a recruiter, let’s face it, sometimes you don’t have the easiest of jobs. What’s even harder is when you have to not only advocate for yourself, but your client and talent equally.
As a recruiter, let’s face it, sometimes you don’t have the easiest of jobs. What’s even harder is when you have to not only advocate for yourself, but your client and talent equally.
While the recruiting world continues to freak out over how AI will affect the hiring process, there are two other letters synonymous with another new technology that‚Äôs creeping up in the world that many have yet to pay attention to: VR, or virtual[…]
Details (more than just bullet points) Authenticity (Featuring real employees) Specific functional content (target your toughest areas to recruit with the best content) Social widgets (what channels are promoting your jobs? Are they linked?) Apply now[…]
Think about all the questions you ask an employee before they’re hired (also known as a candidate): questions to get to know who they are, what experience they have, how they might fit into your organization.
Odds are if you‚Äôre working, you‚Äôre working from home. (Except for those angels working on the front-line.) Most of us have transitioned to being at home 24/7. While that sounds great for some people (such as introverts or those who like working in[…]
Soft skills are defined as the ‚Äúpersonal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people.‚Äù In the workplace, this translates to an employee‚Äôs ability to communicate effectively, prioritize efficiently, deal[…]
BOO! Christmas is coming and the turkey is getting fat! With the end of the year approaching quickly and the holidays coming faster than the speed of light, things for recruiters are about to pick up.
Did you know that women hold the majority of jobs in the United States? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women accounted for 50.04% of non-farming and self-employment jobs as of December 2019. Women are currently dominating positions centered[…]
You’ve got a foosball table in the break room and some really cool office decor—that’s great, but there’s so much more to what makes your company culture than the cool things we can Instagram.
Humans are problematic–it’s been proven over and over again. When it comes to hiring, those problematic hominids can get in the way of the talent decision making, especially in terms of diversifying the workplace.