
RPO & Recruiting Resources

3 Ways You’re Failing at Employer Branding


‚ÄúEmployer branding is a double-edged sword‚Äîit‚Äôs a great initiative to attract the best talent for your teams, but also it‚Äôs the perfect strategy to help retain current employees you have right now. A stellar employer brand can also improve the[…]

Allison Han: Likeable, Without Even Trying!


If you could pick an ideal colleague, what qualities would they have? Would they be a good communicator, a hard worker, authentic, helpful, or an amalgamation? If you ask her coworkers, Allison Han is thorough, persistent, incredible at maintaining[…]

Selling the Side Step to Talent in 2019


There‚Äôs a hard sell for recruiters, and it‚Äôs known as the ‚Äúlateral move.‚Äù How can you convince that Sales Manager that this management position would be better for them in the long run, even if it doesn‚Äôt have a title that is quite as[…]

All the Right Moves: 3 Tips to Connect for Commitment


About 11 years ago, my son, Chase, made the decision to focus solely on tennis. He stopped playing soccer and baseball. He had already quit basketball ‚Äì borderline blasphemy in our house. Fast forward to today, Chase is entering his second college[…]