
RPO & Recruiting Resources

What’s In A Candidate’s Commute?


One of the perks of working on a recruiting floor is hearing various stories about candidates, hiring managers, and all the hiccups and successes in the hiring process. It‚Äôs also a great opportunity to ask for advice from coworkers when I have the[…]

Filters Are Your Friend! 2 Photo Editing Apps You Need For Your Brand

This is Part 2 of the ‚ÄúKeep Your Candidates‚Äô Attention Through Visual Content‚Äù 2 part series. Yep‚Äìa quick and dirty series. If you missed Part 1, we revealed tips for taking a really good picture that will keep candidates interested‚Ķ using a[…]

Measuring Performance Goals: Qualitative vs. Quantitative


Just like we reflect on our past year and set goals for ourselves personally at the start of a new year, so do many businesses. Wait‚Ķ Does that mean it‚Äôs performance review time already? Sure is‚Äîand there‚Äôs not much you can do to change the past[…]

How To Stay Motivated At Home


All right, all right, enough about the elephant in the room: we‚Äôre all quarantining safely in our households, and we know that means you‚Äôve probably had a dip in motivation. When everything is so unsure, how can you be sure to stay at the top of your[…]

Can You Text Me Now? How To Leverage Text Messaging for Recruiting

Texting. It‚Äôs something we all do countless times a day now. We text our friends, family, and bosses. We receive text messages giving us our security codes, receipts from credit card transactions, and reminding us of our doctor‚Äôs appointments. But,[…]