
RPO & Recruiting Resources

Tapping Into the Power of LinkedIn Connections


As a recruiter, the power of your connections on LinkedIn starts with building a strong and robust network. If you are in the recruiting business‚Äîchances are if you are reading this‚Äîyou probably have a vast network of people you have connected with[…]

Back to the Basics – Interviews


Regardless if you are interviewing your very first candidate ever or you are a senior recruiter, it doesn’t hurt to review the basics of interview etiquette every once in a while.

Please “Like” Us: The New Facebook Jobs

You may or may not have heard about Facebook‚Äôs recent entry into the job posting market. If you haven‚Äôt, that‚Äôs perfectly okay. Here at Kinetix, we‚Äôre always in the know and would love to break down what this means for your company or job hunting[…]

If You’re Nervous About Staffing Agencies…


‚Ķthen I‚Äôm proud of you for giving this article a shot. Hey, not everyone can admit when they‚Äôre not certain about a subject! But you came to the right place‚Äîour team of talent hunting pros is sharing some undeniable benefits of working with[…]