RPO & Recruiting Resources

4 Questions To Ask Your Employee Who Just Quit


Sometimes it’s a shock when a star employee leaves your company to pursue another opportunity. Sometimes it’s not (and you kinda wanted them to leave, know what I’m sayin’?)

A Better Way to Track Your Source Effectiveness


Candidate sources. Job boards. Postings. Just a few words that can evoke a range of emotions and reactions across your talent acquisition team. With the recent acquisitions of major job boards and Google‚Äôs entry into the job posting space, these[…]

#NoLies: The Most Common Lies to Look for on Resumes


As a recruiter you are tasked every day with filing through and looking at resume after resume. Sometimes you may run into that perfect resume for your req. only to find out that they had lied and what they talk about doesn‚Äôt match up to what you have[…]

Dear Kinetix June 5, 2017


Dear Kinetix is the talent community‚Äôs key to expert advice on all things recruiting and employer branding. We take questions from our social media inboxes and share our kick@$$ answers with the world. Don‚Äôt worry ‚Äì all inquisitors have given[…]