RPO & Recruiting Resources

The Secret to Seasonal Hires Revealed

The Secret to Seasonal Hires Revealed


Ahhhh‚Ķ Fall is in the air; the smell of the seasons turning and pumpkin spice lattes! So you know what that means: it‚Äôs time to start hiring for seasonal employees. Yes, it‚Äôs the beginning of September, but if last year was any indication, you[…]

How to Attract Generation Z to Your Company


Most Generation Zs are coming to an age where we are looking for work, and chances are we will be the future of your company. So, how are you going to keep your business alive with Gen Z on the rise? Simple, hire them. Believe it or not, we need a job[…]

How Leanne Franck Gets Stuff Done


Are you familiar with the Kinetix Factor Cards? In case you came late to the party, they are the rectangular, flashcard looking things that hang proudly from our team members‚Äô desks and read: Kick-Ass Teammate, Likeable, Gets Stuff Done, Figures Things[…]

The Three Questions You Should Ask In Every Phone Screen


Earlier this year I talked about asking a candidate about their commute on the blog. It was a point of discussion, because there were some dissenting agreements over whether or not commute was important to discuss during a phone screen with a candidate.[…]

2018 Recruiter Intentions, Not Resolutions.


And just like that another year has come and gone. With 2018 fresh on the page, many take to paper their new year resolutions. Most resolutions often include personal and sometimes professional resolutions. The thing is with resolutions, they often feel[…]