RPO & Recruiting Resources

Talking to Co-Workers About Their Mental Health: A How-To Guide


We‚Äôve said it before, and we will say it again‚Äìmental health awareness shouldn‚Äôt be encouraged for just one month out of the year. That‚Äôs why we wanted to share some helpful tips that you can use year-round for talking to your co-workers about[…]

Stress Awareness


April is Stress Awareness Month. Let‚Äôs face it, stress levels are incredibly high right now all over the world. For most of us, avoiding stress right now is impossible. But that doesn‚Äôt mean we can‚Äôt take steps to minimize our stress as much as[…]

How to Hire Remote Employees

How to Hire Remote Employees


Remote work is becoming more and more prevalent between the rise of the gig economy and younger generations filtering into the workforce. As a recruiter, a challenge might be posed when looking to hire for these positions. Since it‚Äôs common for[…]

Kinetix Wants To Know…What Are YOU Thankful For?


Ready or not, turkey season is upon us‚Ķ You know, November, that time of year where the birds of honor get plump and your aunt starts dowsing herself in the strongest perfume she owns in preparation for the big family get together? It‚Äôs a time to[…]