RPO & Recruiting Resources

Declassified WFH Survival Guide


Odds are if you‚Äôre working, you‚Äôre working from home. (Except for those angels working on the front-line.) Most of us have transitioned to being at home 24/7. While that sounds great for some people (such as introverts or those who like working in[…]

Professions That Are Poised for a Women’s Revolution

Professions That Are Poised for a Women’s Revolution


Did you know that women hold the majority of jobs in the United States? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women accounted for 50.04% of non-farming and self-employment jobs as of December 2019. Women are currently dominating positions centered[…]

Walmart’s Recruitment Marketing Mic Drop


Millions of people who tuned into the NFL‚Äôs first Sunday of the season got to witness Walmart‚Äôs crazy smart recruitment marketing move‚Ķ but I‚Äôm getting ahead of myself here. Let‚Äôs start at the beginning and unpack all of the information before[…]