RPO & Recruiting Resources

Hiring Horror Stories Part II: Talent Tricks & Treats


Happy Halloween to all of our talent industry ghosts and gurus! We hope you are ready for our next batch of spooktacular hiring horror stories because we are going straight for the sweet spot: candidate tricks and treats. So grab your favorite Halloween[…]

Title Fight: A Showdown Between LinkedIn and Indeed

LinkedIn v. Indeed. The ultimate showdown between the two most prolific resume and candidate search platforms on the web today. As a recruiter or talent acquisition leader, these two sites should be a large part of your strategy in looking to attract the[…]

Communication is the “Sway”


We‚Äôve been doing some hardcore internal communication revamps here at Kinetix‚ÄîI‚Äôm talking head-banging, crowdsurfing, electric guitar hardcore. You may have seen Patrick Ward‚Äôs breakdown of how we integrated Slack, a real-time messaging and[…]

Tapping Into the Power of LinkedIn Connections


As a recruiter, the power of your connections on LinkedIn starts with building a strong and robust network. If you are in the recruiting business‚Äîchances are if you are reading this‚Äîyou probably have a vast network of people you have connected with[…]