RPO & Recruiting Resources

The Simple Secrets to Candidate Sourcing


As talent industry aces, we all know the struggle ‚Äì you‚Äôre looking for the candidate of your dreams, someone who is loyal and punctual, someone who can accomplish the list of necessary job responsibilities and skills for a position. Before you put[…]

Changes HR Must Make to Keep Up with Gen Z


Another year has gone by and you know what that means! Generation Z is here and ready to work‚Äìand it‚Äôs time you put your best foot forward to show that your company is the real All-Star. Unfortunately, your company‚Äôs HR may have to tweak a few[…]

Getting Started in 2017: Think on Action, Not on What-Ifs


As one of the unfortunate ones still at work in between the two holiday weekends of Christmas and New Year‚Äôs, I‚Äôm seeing two prominent trends in articles being published by major HR/recruiting think-tanks. Trend one is a rehash of tops articles from[…]

Ease on Down: The Importance of Offboarding Your Employees


Onboarding is an integral part to any new hire‚Äôs experience‚Äîfor both the new hire and the organization. It‚Äôs important for the new hire, so as to ease them into the company and their role; and it‚Äôs equally important for the team they‚Äôre[…]

Believe It Or Not… Candidates Are Actually Human


There. We said it. Candidates are humans – not pieces of paper *gasp!* So since they are flesh and blood just like us, we should treat them as such, right? Candidate experience is important to us here at Kinetix. Take a look at this week’s Lean In

How a Staffing Agency Can Get You Growing in 2019


Now that 2018 is behind us and we are in Q1, there‚Äôs no better time to look at your company‚Äôs business processes to see where some beneficial changes can be made. Think of it as a resolution for your company‚Äìwhich in the end will benefit you and[…]

3 Engaging Podcast Topic Ideas To Catch Candidate Attention


We‚Äôve decided podcasting is worth the time and investment as a form of employer branding and connecting with your candidate audience. There‚Äôs an opportunity to get deep with podcasting through capturing stories of employees, sharing tips and tricks,[…]

3 Referral Mistakes You Need To Stop Making ASAP


Referrals can be a recruiter‚Äôs best friend‚Äîespecially if it‚Äôs a good one that leads to a hire. We all want more candidates, but we don‚Äôt just want any candidate‚Äîwe want the best ones for our clients. The candidates that fit the business, the[…]