RPO & Recruiting Resources

What Makes RPO Successful?


For those of you that aren’t in the know, Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is a form of business process outsourcing where an employer transfers all or part of its recruitment processes to an external service provider.

Should You Start a Podcast to Boost Your Recruiting Efforts?


There‚Äôs something about the spoken word that is more intimate, more personal, more accessible, and more engaging than the written word. I personally love a good podcast‚ÄîI love to hear other experts‚Äô opinions, industry talk, advice, stories, etc. As[…]

3 Easy Ways to Improve Your Careers Site


You have open jobs. People want them. Seems simple enough, right? Yet, for some reason, it never is. Building and maintaining your employer brand takes self-reflection, hard work, and a firm commitment to the values and image you present to your[…]

How To Hire In A Gig Economy


“Gig economy” is a huge buzzword in the hiring market right now. But what does it really mean for employers: Is it good? Is it bad? Let’s dig in.

Cash, Culture, and Video!


The Kinetix marketing team has made some pretty significant investments lately in our video gear. Accounting told us we couldn’t say how much, but let’s just say there are five digits up in there.