RPO & Recruiting Resources

Should You Start a Podcast to Boost Your Recruiting Efforts?


There‚Äôs something about the spoken word that is more intimate, more personal, more accessible, and more engaging than the written word. I personally love a good podcast‚ÄîI love to hear other experts‚Äô opinions, industry talk, advice, stories, etc. As[…]

How To Hire In A Gig Economy


“Gig economy” is a huge buzzword in the hiring market right now. But what does it really mean for employers: Is it good? Is it bad? Let’s dig in.

Control Only What You Can Control


Those of you that know me have heard about my son Chase who plays college tennis. I know that some of you are saying, “not again!” Well, yes, again, but this time I’m going to make a point.

Hiring Horror Stories: Come In Costume


When the clock struck midnight on September 22nd, swimsuits transformed into sweaters, glittering fireflies became screeching bats, and every latte suddenly tasted like pumpkin. I‚Äôm just saying maybe Cinderella didn‚Äôt really leave the glass slipper[…]