3 Easy Body Language Tricks To Get Candidates To Like You More
Persuading candidates to like you and trust you isn’t as hard as it may seem.
Persuading candidates to like you and trust you isn’t as hard as it may seem.
Let‚Äôs address the big pink elephant in the room, internal recruiting. Why is it that even in this day and age it‚Äôs not a concrete first step for recruiters!? Honestly, internal recruiting not only yields better results for the position but for the[…]
Knowing where the job seekers will be in the future could be the difference between a relaxing day at the office and a tension headache waiting to happen. Although there are almost always openings in just about every field you can imagine, I‚Äôm going to[…]
You were excited and optimistic about your most recent candidate after the phone screen. You even broke into your happy dance because you were that much closer to the light at the end of the talent hunting tunnel. But as these things often do, your tune[…]
Yes, you read the title of this blog post correctly. To improve our interview processes we must first make a few hiring mistakes of our own so that we can learn from them.
The only thing worse than bad news is no news at all.
We all know that when it comes to interviews, phone screens, or even resumes, soft skills‚Äìthe abilities most closely related to a candidate‚Äôs emotional intelligence‚Äìare the first things that come up. You know, those things like time management,[…]
Hey superstar recruiters, I see you making placement after placement, and this one’s for you.
You went through the legwork. You dove through the funnel and among dozens (maybe hundreds) of resumes, you finally found the one‚Äîat least, that‚Äôs what you thought. The candidate that dazzled in the phone interview and always had a prompt follow-up[…]
Recruiting is at the core of what Kinetix does. Our clients task us with finding the ideal employees to join their companies. It‚Äôs up to us to evaluate resumes, make contact with candidates and set them up with interviews. However, this method mostly[…]