RPO & Recruiting Resources

Sharon Schmitt: Seriously Spectacular!


You know Sharon Schmitt! It‚Äôs impossible not to‚ÄìSharon is one of Kinetix‚Äôs most familiar faces, always Skyping into our general meetings and being the rockstar recruiter we know and love. In fact, word on the street is that she‚Äôs about to[…]

Ask a Recruiter Feat. Rich Boling – July Feature


Our Kinetix recruiters are the top factor that makes our company be the best firm out there, and with that responsibility you have to be a kick a$$ teammate to be a part of our team! This month we are featuring one of Kinetix’s newbies, Rich Boling.

Hot Jobs of the Future


Knowing where the job seekers will be in the future could be the difference between a relaxing day at the office and a tension headache waiting to happen. Although there are almost always openings in just about every field you can imagine, I‚Äôm going to[…]

The Difference Between Your FauxPO & Our RPO


Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is defined by the Recruitment Process Outsourcing Association as “a form of business process outsourcing (BPO) where an employer transfers all or part of its recruitment processes to an external service provider.”

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